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tv   CNN Saturday Morning  CNN  October 14, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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first study to show this, and i should also add that hormones should be used as a way to prevent heart disease or cancer. this could be some promising news out there to help women chase life. let's that's going to wrap things up today, but stay connected with me at let's keep the conversation going on twitter at sanjaygupta cnn. time now to get you the top stories with cnn newsroom. >> from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, this is cnn sunday morning. breaking the bound barrier without a met. that's what sky diver felix baumgartner is expecting to do today. only cnn will bring it to you live. >> it's a once in a lifetime thing to see a space shuttle going down a street. >> an epic journey through the streets of los angeles. the shuttle endeafure heading home leaving even jaded tinseltown star struck. in you believe in god but reject religion, well, you're not alone.
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today's faces of faith show those that are spiritual but not religious. and "new york times" columnist nick kristof on the column he never wanted to write. good morning. i'm randi kaye. it is 8:00 on the east coast. we start with what might be the craziest or coolest thing that we've heard of in a while. at my hour sky diver felix baumgartner will make his second attempt at an extreatment record breaking attempt. he will fall from 23 miles, or about 120,000 feet in the air. brian todd joins me now from washington with much more on this. brian, good morning. this really is something to see. when can we expect this jump to actually happen? >> well, they should be inflating the balloon right about now, rapid randi. it's out in new mexico. it's about 6:00 a.m. out there.
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i think the latest we've heard from red bull is that the launch could take place maybe m next hour or so. maybe hour and a half. they're monitoring wind conditions, of course. that was what did in the last attempt on tuesday morning. it's kind of just a key thing that they're monitoring on the ground there is the wind speed. that's what's caused two different delays here. we think maybe the launch of the balloon should take place the next hour, hour and a half or so. at that point it will take about two and a half to three hours for him to get up to the point from which he will jump 120,000 feet above the surface of the earth. you know, that's the progression of this thing. it takes about two and a half to three hours to reach that point. then he will jump, and then the first 30 to 40 seconds he is expected to break the sound bearier to free-fall at a speed of more than 698 miles an hour. the entire jump son-in-law supposed to take about 15 minutes. >> i guess a lot of people are wondering how dangerous is this?
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i mean, he has a parachute, right, but if he passes out, can that parachute still open because there is a risk of him passing out? >> yes, there is a rescue of him passing out. he could go into a flat spin and have an uncontrollable flat spin in the first moments when he jumps off, and he could become unconscious, but his parachute could be opened remotely from their mission control in new mexico, so that could happen if he becomes unconscious. some other risks here, i mean, his -- the integrity of his high pressure suit is key. that suit becomes compromiseed in any way, if it's breached, especially at those high altitudes, then his blood could boil. he could be exposed to extreme cold because it gets to about 70 degrees below zero fahrenheit at those heights. all sorts of potential dangers, especially randi, in the first minute or so of his free-fall. >> incredible bravery. you actually had a chance to speak with felix, right? does he acknowledge that he could get hurt or possibly even die? >> he certainly does. that's part of the -- all the calculations that both he and his team are making.
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i spoke to him back in may at the air and space museum and asked him of his possible fear of dying. take a listen. >> therefore, it is important that you do your homework. you need confidence. you have to have confidence in your team and yourself, and you are always hopingure not going to die. it might happen, but i'm going to put everything out there. >> so the moment is at hand when felix baumgartner is sitting in his capsule waiting for that balloon to inflate, and it's an excruciating wait. then the two and a half to three hours it takes to get to the top would drive me crazy. >> i think we're all waiting along with him. i think he gets to do it today. brian todd, thank you for the update there. >> thank you. and now to something moving, well, a whole lot slower. you wouldn't expect to hear that about the space shuttle, of
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course, but this is a very unique circumstance. the space shuttle endeavour is slowly making its way through the streets of los angeles to the california science center. it was supposed to be there already, but there were a few bumps on the road. >> randi in places in people waited eight, nine hours for the shuttle to arrive, and when it did, they found it was worth every second. >> reporter: endeavour had the road all to itself. a parade of one. in tinseltown where seeing stars is ho-hum, endeavour made folks starry-eyed. it and it alone had everyone's attention. cameras snapped. people looked on in awe. this was the fist designated viewing area outside the forum arena where the los angeles lakers once played. endeavour was way ahead of schedule at that point, but it wouldn't last. outside an area mall the second
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designated viewing area some people stood and waited more than eight hours for the shuttle to arrive, and when it did, it was well after dark. the most difficult part of the 12-mile journey to the california science center was more difficult than expected. endeavour came within inches of trees. so many people lined the streets pressing as close as they could get, so many delicate turns, that the going was slower than predicted. oh, was it worth the wait. this was history. the actor who came with his daughter. >> i think it was a pretty amazing event. that's why i came here with my daughter to make sure that she sees it and is a part of it. >> the young rocket scientist. she is literally. she came down from san francisco. >> it's a once in a lifetime thing to see a shuttle going down the streets. especially the streets of l.a. i had to see it. >> this woman runs a preschool, and already has her kids booked
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for a shuttle museum visit. >> i'm so excited that the shuttle is here in los angeles. i own a preschool in compton, california, and i wanted to be able to take some of the event back to the children. we have an appointment at exposition park on november 16th to take the entire school. >> reporter: all along the route endeavour brought out cheers and even some tears because, after all, endeavour was an amazing flying machine. randi. >> thank you so much. we'll be keeping an eye on the shuttle's slow iffing course throughout the morning. now the latest on a 14-year-old pakistani girl who has stunned the world with her courage. malala remains unconscious on a ventilator after being shot in the head by militant gunmen on tuesday just for going to school, but pakistani officials say she is making slow and steady progress, and even moved her limbs when doctors reduced
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her medication. right now a massive rally in support of malala is underway. pakistan's larnlest city. thousands of people have taken to the streets in karachi to protest her shooting. now to the presidential race. 23 days to go, and president obama is off the campaign trail again today. he arrived in williamsburg, virginia yesterday, but not for a campaign event in the critical swing state. instead he is there for debate prep. the president and his team are at the kings mill resort. he is spending time studying and practicing with the same team that got him ready for the first debate. the campaign official says the president is laying low, but could make a stop outside the resort before he leaves. the campaign also gave us this nugget. they've now accepted donations from four million people. that's a record. remember, the obama campaign took in $181 million in donations in september. that's also a record. mitt romney hasn't released his september fundraising numbers just yet. romney is also off the trail
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today after making several stops in ohio yesterday. ohio is one of those critical swing states as well. the stops there make it nearly 20 trips to the state for romney since april. yesterday he kept up the pressure on president obama and offered his vision for the future. >> i believe in america. i believe in you. i believe we're coming back, but i immediate your help as well. i immediate you to vote. i need you to get other people who voted for barack obama to come join our team. we need ohio. if we hit ohio, we're going to be able to take back america, keep it strong. >> romney's vice presidential pick, paul ryan, was also in ohio. he was meeting people in youngstown. ryan is back in wes wisconsin today. here's what the race looks like in ohio obama by three points. in our poll of polls, these are post-debate numbers. before the first presidential debate president obama's lead in ohio was about twice that much in some polls. round one may have been a
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game changer, but this week's presidential debate could be an even bigger deal. mitt romney and barack obama, round two. we have a preview. ♪ why not make lunch more than just lunch? with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy. ♪ [ male announcer ] its lightweight construction makes it nimble...
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not quite knong what the next phase was going to be, you know, because you been, you know, this is what you had been doing. you know, working, working, working, working, working, working. and now you're talking about, well you know, i won't be, and i get the chance to spend more time with my wife and my kids. it's my world. that's my world. ♪
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congressman ryan, your opening statement? >> thank you. first of all, i want to thank you for hosting us this evening. >> oh, here we go. >> four years ago president obama made a promise -- [ laughing ] -- that he would bring down unemployment below 6%. >> oh, this guy. >> he said but by the end of his first term he would cuff the deficit in half.
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>> oh! >> and, yet, he still has not put a single credible plan on the table on how to deal with the debt crisis. >> oh, god, i'm sorry. martha, with all due respect, this is a bunch of mularke wr. >> a bunch of bulaey. >> what does that mean? >> ah, it's irish. >> irish is i come over and smack that dumb look off your face. >> pretty funny stuff. the vice presidential debate gave us plenty to talk about and certainly plenty to make fun of, but that was last week's story. this week we'll be talking about whether president obama steps it up. >> good morning, ramdi. the debate anne is well underway, and up next is perhaps the most interesting of the three presidential debates we'll get to see. why? because of the undecided voters asking the questions. >> round from, president obama and mitt romney face off in their second debate wednesday.
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a town mall moderated by cnn's candy crowley who says the format presents unique challenges for candidates. >> the challenge is they have to connect with people on the television watching them, and also people on the stage with them, some 80 or so undecided voters as chosen by gallop, so they have to keep those folks in mind. it's a much more intimate and up close adventure with voters. >> president obama is under pressure after his last turn on the debate stage got bad reviews. >> one bad debate, he is losing a battle. two bad debates could very well mean he loses the war. >> i think you're going to see a very different president obama this time around. >> he has to be seen as being aggressive, but yet, he can't be seen as being overly aggressive. >> romney has enjoyed a post-debate bounce in national polls, and a boost of confidence on the campaign trail. >> there's more energy and passion. people are getting behind this
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campaign. >> at a town hall without a podium and with audience interaction, the candidate's style and body language can take on added weight. at the first town hall style presidential debate in 19 2 president george h.w. bush repeaedly checked his watch, a sign some thought that he didn't want to be there. commentators said bill clinton walking toward the audience to answer a question about the recession highlighted his ability to connect with voters. one thing that can make it hard for a candidate to be aggressive is a question like this. >> can we focus on the issues and not the personalities and the mud? >> analysts say the format could be got a for the president. >> he will be able to draw from that energy, from the energy of the public and the crowd. >> as for romney -- >> one of his big challenges during this entire campaign has been not being able to connect with the common man and woman and child. he has to be able to come across as connecting.
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he has to come across as genuine, as occasioning, as likable. >> a candidate that makes a connection with the person asking the connection, is also making a better connection with folks back home. >> the stakes for the candidates couldn't be higher. randi. >> athena, thank you very much. we'll be speaking to candy crowley about 30 minutes from now. mark your calendars. you can catch that second presidential debate live here on cnn this tuesday at 7:00 p.m. eastern time. after the break, i'll talk with nicolas kristof of the "new york times". his latest column about the column that he never actually wanted to write. [ female announcer ] introducing yoplait greek 100.
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welcome back, everyone. 20 minutes past the hour now. let's talk about health care in america. less than a month away from the presidential election, so much political debate over obama care. i spoke with nick cristof, award-winning columnist for the "new york times", about his close friend battling prostate cancer, a friend who didn't have health insurance. >> this is the last column i ever wanted to right. was my roommate in college, a brilliant guy. he screwed up. he made a mistake. he did not buy health insurance after kind of a midlife crisis, and then he was not getting annual physicals. he was then -- he diagnosed too late. he had problems, and he ended up with stage four prostate cancer. >> and you say in europe ed that
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in other modern countries your friend scott would have been insured and his cancer probably would have been detected in time for effective treatment, so what do you say to those that suggest obama care and mandated insurance is like living in a nanny state? >> well, you know, this is something that obama care will resolve in 2014 with a mandate, and there is an element of, you know, government helping us when we make mistakes, but we do the same thing when we have requirements for seat belts, for helmets with motorcycles, guardrail on a highway, and it doesn't feel so much as a nanny state as civilization. >> if romney's health care system, your friend scott would still be uninsured. is that because of a preexisting condition? >> romney says that his plan would cover preexisting conditions, but it's only if you
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ever already have health insurance and want to switch to a different plan. in cases, somebody like cot is was not insured and he would not be able to get health insurance, and this -- the tone of this is something that happens over and over scott is not an isolated case. there are study that suggest 27,000 people each year die because they don't have health insurance. >> you also speak directly to critics of obama care who grumble about the mandate, but you do say that it will save lives. >> absolutely. you know, look, it's not an elegant solution. there will be a lot of people who will be very upset if they ended up having to buy the insurance. it's expensive. i think scott's case is a reminder that people can grumble, but it may also save their lives. >> romney, of course, we know has called obama care economically inefficient. you clearly don't agree. >> no, i don't, and, yeah, there are -- u know, the real problem is how we resolve costs,
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but i don't really see anything economically efficient about the current system. scott's bills are being covered by the hospital as a charity case. $550,000 so far, and that's you and me who are paying that bill. that's everybody who is paying that bill. how is that more efficient that we all end up paying $550,000 to treat an advanced case of prostate cancer rather than a modest sum for cancer detection or for physicals early on? >> having read your column, you can't help but feel for your friend, scott. how important do you think it is to put a face on the numbers, a face like your friend so people understand, so voters understand? >> you know, i think we've all watched the presidential debates and people are arguing back and forth, and all these numbers are floating around, and i just think it's so important that people understand that what is at stake here is not some number, it's not data. it's individuals. look at scott's picture. multiply that 27,000 times
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annually, and that is the toll of our current cost of our failed health care system. >> i hope your friend scott wins his battle. i'm curious, though, is there a message that you think he would want to get across to our viewers this morning some. >> well, i mean, i owe scott my thanks. he is telling an embarrassing story about his own failings, his own failure, to get insurance, and he is telling that story in hopes that other people will, indeed, get check-ups, will get insurance, and i think people have to do that at an individual level. i think we also need to d that at a national level. >> thank you very much. appreciate that. >> thank you, randi. an update now to a story that we told you about last month. we brought you the story of a high kill animal shelter in rural north carolina, one that still uses the gas chamber to ooutannize many of its animals, a practice still used across parts of the country. i spoke with the author of a new book that exposed this shelter and others like it.
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kin cabin rescued her dog, blue, that was just days away from that gas chamber in north carolina. at the time the director of that animal shelter told us its gas chamber would be phased out by july of next year, but on friday the courier times reported the county has decided eliminate the gas chamber immediately. according to that local paper, the shelter is also making other changes, including a name change and new personnel. we contacted the county manager this we cans, but we vanity heard back. >> we also reached out to kim who said, "i congratulate person county for taking these first steps towards saving as many dogs like blue as possible and for using humane lethal injections when there are no other options. blue and i are turning our attention to other high kill gas chamber shelters nationwide. i'm already in touch with a leading lawmaker on capitol hill, and you'll be hearing from is on this issue across the country in 2013." we will continue to follow this
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story. it's sunday morning. plenty of faithful heading to church, but do you really need to sit with the congregation to have faith, or can you be spiritual on your own? we take a look in today's "faces of faith."
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with odor free aspercreme. powerful medicine relieves pain fast, with no odor. so all you notice is relief. aspercreme. it will be felix baumgartner's second attempt to jump from 23 miles in the air. he is trying to become the first man to break the sound barrier without the help of a vehicle.
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baumgartner's first attempt was scrapped because of strong wibdz. today's launch could come as early as 9:30 a.m. eastern time. be sure to keep it here on cnn. on to another galactic story, the space shuttle endeavour continues to creep through l.a. towards its retirement home at the california science center. endeavour is several hours behind schedule as the shuttle and its transporter have had to creep around buildings. and through crowds, actually, that have lined the street. endeavour is expected to arrive later this morning. the los angeles clipper has knocked off the -- the victory evened the score on the team's two-game exhibition road trip to china. former houston rockets all-star yao ming sat courtside. his popularity helped make china the nba's biggest market outside the u.s. they've been hosting games there since 2004. former actor and tv host gary collins has died. he was 74. collins was a fixture on the
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small screen in the 1960s and 1970s. is he known for his roles in the sixth sense and the wackiest ship in the army. in the 1980s kol lens hosted "the miss america pageant" which his wife had won decades before. he died of natural causes in his home in mississippi. if you are heading off to church this morning, i want you to consider this. a new report by the pew research center found that one in five americans say they have no religious affiliation, but the report also found almost 70% of people believe in god. over one-third call themselves spiritual, but not religious. it's this group that we want to examine today in faces of faith. do we really need the structure of a religion to be faithful? or is finding faith on personal terms enough? to discuss this i want to bring in two people who are experiencing religion in two very different ways. first, i want to talk with june ann greeley, an associate
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professor of religious studies at sacred heart university in connecticut. professor greeley, good morning. >> good morning to you. >> you say we do need structure when we practice our faith. why is that? >> i think one of the things i would like to first begin saying is that i'm not sure we want to work necessarily with dualities and say it's either religious or spiritual, but i do find that in speaking with students and just in other conversations there is a way in which religion structures us, but also primarily gives us community, and while weend to think in terms of our own spirituality, which is, by the way, very important, and we don't want really religion without spirituality, i think the idea that somehow religion does not offer anything is a mistaken idea. there's a certain amount of structure and community. there's a certain amount of consciousness of self as part of something larger. both in the human realm and with the transcendent, and i think
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that's a very important dimension. especially in a time when we live a little bit kind of a cult of the individual. everything is subjective. >> let me ask you about this then. because the pew study found dwindling numbers for those that attend church. almost one-third say they seldom or never attend religious services, so why do you think those numbers are going down? >> because we're americans and westerners, and we really want it all on our own terms, and i'm a westerner, american, myself, so the idea that we would see dwindling numbers going into, you know, a place of worship where we are sort of meld into a larger group and sort of have to listen perhaps to a consciousness or a will other than our own and we have to sort of give ourselves over to that might not appeal to a lot of americans. might not appeal to a lot of westerners. >> let me ask you quickly about this because churches aren't known for their inclusive policies, particularly with gays and lesbians, and that has many
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people generally those younger than 30, abandoning churches in greater numbers, and on top of that you have the conservative christians making gay marriage a conservative issue, so how much you do think all of this has contributed to the decline in religion? >> yeah. i mean, i think there's a certain political and sobero geopolitical element that comes into the equation, and i certainly think that there are things that need to be addressed in sort of these religious communities. not that i or anyone should necessarily address them outside, but the consciousness of maybe if you are talking about, let's say, christians knowing that jesus was the prophet and the voice of love and inclusion and tolerance and kind of bringing that into the conversation and then allowing some kind of the social dogmatic aspects to find their way. i think it's perfectly understandable why people might feel excluded, and yet, one of the things we find is that oftentimes those individuals are excluded end up forming their own church groups.
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i mean, they do want community and that kind of gathering and sort of a kind of communal consciousness and a gathering together for the worship of transcend ens. >> as we said, there are different views on this issue. >> of course. >> and others say that faith doesn't necessarily need the structures of a religion and its tenants. >> let me bring in b. jmplt, author of "if god is your co-pilot, switch seats." good morning. tell me how you decided that being spiritual but not religious was the way for you? >> well, i spent a lot of years on a spiritual quest trying different churches, checking out different religions and really, you know, i'm just an average american seeker of spiritual sustenance, and i didn't find it in most mainstream churches. i couldn't find it in sanctuaries. historically there's two groups of people that churches often neglect, and it's divorced people and older people, and i
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was divorced at a very young age, and found that i felt worse after leaving church than i did when i went in. >> you say that we don't necessarily need the structure of religion, that we can all find our own path. why do you think we don't need that religious structure because the professor believes strongly that it gives us a sense of community. >> i think people vote with their feet, and the fact that mainstream religions are losing parishioners by the droves tells you it's accelerated and these days there are so many sources of spiritual guidance, the internet, books, spiritual teachers that we have a
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varitable smorgasbord in front of us, and americans being the land of rugged individuals, we like to put together our own spirituality. i like to call it burger king spirituality, have it your way. >> well, in your book you also talk about surrendering to life, that we find pait when we stop searching actually, so how does someone get there. what's next? or what? >> it's really about surrendering to god. it's not surrendering to life. it's surrendering to a higher power as you understand that higher power. in other words, i think that self-reliance is a character defect, and i think it's something that we definitely overdo in american society because of that emphasis on the individual that we try to go it alone and without, you know, this whole thing about
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captaining your own ship and being in charge of your own life. i think it's easy for people to forget that we do live in a spiritual universe and that there's spiritual power available to us. >> a fascinating look, certainly, of both sides of the issue. thank you both very much for coming on the program this morning. >> thank you very much. you're welcome. >> for more stories on faith, be sure to check out our popular belief blog at celebrities from lindsey lohan to george clooney have publicly backed a candidate in this year's election, but does all of the a-list support help or possibly hurt a candidate? more on that ahead. it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious.
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♪ welcome back, everyone. let's get you ready for the week ahead. we have our week ahead calendar for you. on monday we'll be talking a lot about gitmo, the special military tribunal that takes place at guantanamo. five suspects of the 9/11 attacks, including call he'd shake mohammed will be there. the hearing was postponed about two months after it was put on hold for ramadan. on tuesday another big debate night. president obama and mitt romney will face off in their second debate. our own candy crowley will be moderating that one. coverage begins 7:00 p.m. live right here on cnn, and on thursday north carolina will have some early in person voting underway. it's one of nine states.
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cnn considers it a toss-up, and on saturday we'll have some more early voting in nevada. another very close state. before election day, up to 40% of voters nationwide will actually have already cast their ballots. candy crowley, by the way, will join us ahead of tuesday's debate showdown. will barack obama be the one getting his rave reviews this time around, or will mitt romney outsign his white house wooifl? we'll get into that next with candy. but, first, a question for all you political junkies watching this morning. which presidential candidate was shot at close range at a campaign event, ut about still gave his speech? if you know the answer, you can tweet me@ramdikaye, cnn. [ female announcer ] introducing yoplait greek 100.
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before the break i asked you if you knew the answer to this question. which presidential candidate delivered his campaign speech right after being shot? the answer? teddy roosevelt. it happened 100 years ago today. the bullet was slowed by the manu script of his speech, that was in his pocket. amazing. roosevelt finished his speech and then went to the hospital to have that bullet removed. president obama and mitt romney are gearing up for round two. the white house rivals taking ti this weekend to prepare for their second debate on tuesday. the verbal dual will be moderated by our own candy crowley. she's joining us from washington. candy, i bet you have been busy prepping as well. i'm sure you're ready to go. >> i will be. you know what this is like. you never feel ready to go. never. i don't care if you can stay up 24 hours and absorb all the information, not until you get out there do you kind of think,
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well, ready or not. >> right. >> there will be lots of studying up until, you know, the time of the debate. >> i'm sure. how do you think that will impact tuesday? >> well, listen, i think when you look at how the polling went afterwards that the vice presidential debates were a draw as far as viewers were concerned, but i do think that there is some sort of -- when you look at joe biden and the issues that he brought up. he brought up all of those things that democrats wanted the president to bring up. i am assuming that you will hear the president talk about the 47% gaf of mitt romney. i think you will hear a lot of talk, much as you are hearing on the campaign trail now about, well, is this, you know, the
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mitt romney from ten years ago or the mitt romney from -- there will be a lot about the president to kind of frame mitt romney as someone who changes his mind on the issues. i think what the -- certainly what the romney people are hoping for is another good soltd debate. they think if they can keep it on the issues and show as they believe they did in the first debate, mitt romney knows what he is talking about and that he has a plan and that he can move things farther, that's what they're looking for. >> this debate will be a town hall format. will that benefit obama, do you think? does he thrive in that condition? >> we'll see. certainly it should. i mean, you know, to me the president, whoever it happens to be, tends to do well in these big events. you know, obviously mitt romney had a lot of time during the primaries to kind of practice on town hall, but you never know with town halls because just to the smallest thing, the look at a watch is the most famous one,
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george w. bush looking at his watch like when can we get this town hall meeting over with, so so many things can happen. either a question that gets to people or a question that gets to the candidate or a candidate that doesn't seem to connect with the -- you know, it's just very hard to tell when that moment will be or what that moment will be about. is it going to be about policy or is it going to be about style and how you feel about these two guys at the end and how they related with these folks in the town hall? >> it's certainly going to be an interesting one. who do you have coming up on your show today, "state of the union?" >> we are going to talk with top strategists for both campaigns. we're going to take a sort of in depth look at florida, which, you know, those polls, wow, all of a sudden florida is looking pretty much like a dead heat and try to figure out what's going on there. of course, we'll have our political panel to tell us what it all means. >> all right. well, we will be tuning in, and we'll certainly be tuning in on tuesday night as well for the big debate. candy, thank you. keep it here for state of the union with candy crowley.
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it starts in just about nine minutes at 9:00 eastern time. take a look at this. we'll sit down with candy the day after tuesday's debate for a special digts of our cnni report issue. we love your help bringing -- go to cnni crowley to submit your questions right now. so we've all seen celebrities out there on the campaign trail, but can a hollywood endorsement change the mind of a voter? comedian dean obadala certainly has a strong opinion. lost your appetite for romance? and your mood is on its way down. you might not just be getting older. you might have a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. millions of men, forty-five or older, may have low t. so talk to your doctor about low t. hey, michael! [ male announcer ] and step out of the shadows. hi! how are you?
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just about four minutes before the top of the hour here on cnn sunday morning. jj abrams, george clooney, kid rock, no it is not the cast of a new movie, but those are some of the celebrity names endorsing a candidate this is year's big election. lindsay lohan even got political this week endorsing mitt romney. "i just think unemployment is really important right now, so as of now, mitt romney." comedian dean obadala joins me from new york to talk about this. good morning, dean. did lindsey do it for you? did she make up your mind, or what? >> you know what, i didn't know which way to go. she put me over the top. i look at the issues, and then i consult with a cast of "jersey shore." i see where they're going, but this year i'm bagt for honey boo boo. she's the hot one on the block. wherever she goes, i'm going. honey boo boo give me an answer. who should i support in the -- >> she's too young to vote.
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so she's the one celebrity that would sway your vote? >> i don't think one celebrity would sway my vote. i think traets true for most people frankly, and i put it out on twitter, and most people said no. they gave interesting response bz how a celebrity impacts them, the way the celebrity endorses someone how they feel about the celebrity or the issues. it was more complicated than i actually thought. i thought people were iffing to say it means nothing. it's deeper than that. >> do they matter then do you think, these celebrity endorsements? morgan freeman just cut an ad for obama. >> right. he did, and, you know what, this isn't new. i was reading back. the 1920s is t first started celebrity engoresment of warren g. hardy. i think if someone is unknown as a challenger it can make you feel more comfortable. if someone you know already, like a morgan freeman comes out
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and endorz that person. in the case of president obama, he has a track record. i don't think it's as powerful. i think for certain people, i mean, we follow the issues, and there are some people who just tune in near the end, and maybe it's not morgan freeman, but that ad that moves them or the fact that mitt romney is supported by, say, a kid rock and they happen to like kid rock, and he is out there at a campaign event. i think we can't completely discount it, frankly, but i think it only affects a teeny bit. >> a presidential candidate or any candidate can't control who endorses them, so maybe are you saying that suggesting that possibly somebody like maybe a celebrity that isn't very popular among some would actually turn people off from that candidate? >> i think if i was a candidate, i would try to pay people who are not popular to endorse my opponent. i would be throwing money at mike "situation." charlie sheen, i would say endorse my opponent. that's what you want. there is -- what i found out on twitter and facebook, there really is a down side. people told me if a celebrity
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they had liked endorses a candidate they don't like, it could impact the way that person views that celebrity. that came up over and over on twitter and facebook. people saying that to me that, you know what, i'm not going to hate the celebrity for it, but i might think less of them. you have that fine line. if you get involved in politics, you know, you're going to get some enemies as a result. you take a approximation on political issue. >> bruce springsteen, campaigning with president clinton today for president obama. what do you make of that endorsement? >> well, that's -- to me that's different. when you have endorsements that people tweet out i like this person, i'm support this candidate, maybe they go to a fundraiser, someone like bruce springsteen is a tangible benefit. if he goes to a campaign et event, he will drew people that are not just coming to see president obama. they're iffing to hear songs. there he has a tangible benefit of having a bigger crowd to speak to. it adds energy and excitement at your campaign event. that's -- to me that's really actually a good thing. i think that's a real thi


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